Monday, February 18, 2019

Expense Account Final Page

Today marks 70 years since "Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar" made its debut on CBS Radio. Coming as it does after a successful screening for the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club's members and some edits (improvements, one hopes) sparked by watching it with an audience, that seems like a good time to submit this expense report's final page. The plan is to submit to film festivals and perhaps present it to other interested groups. In he meantime, please enjoy this excerpt from the finished product.

From Dick Powell's 1948 audition show to Mandel Kramer's final episode in 1962, a collection of talented actors, writers and directors created one of old-time radio's most enduring dramas. This documentary is a tribute not just to the program and its era but also the medium of radio drama itself. That said, the real tribute is the many fans - new and old alike - who continue to listen and enjoy it.

Monday, January 1, 2018

A Matter Of Fury

A friend of mine mentioned that he'd been watching the TV series Fury. Remembering that Bob Bailey had written for the program during the waning days of radio seemed like reason enough to post a link to the segment of the documentary about him and his sad (and all too representative) story.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

The End of An Era Anniversary Matter

Today marks 55 years since the final episodes of Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar and Suspense marked the very end of the "Golden Age" of radio. In observance of this bittersweet anniversary, the following segment from the documentary discusses the waning days of that era.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Rough Cut Matter

Tweaking continues, mostly minor details like on-screen text, though, I'm considering rearranging the order of segments a bit. The challenge remains having a wealth of great material from interviewees such as the late Ed Walker that's interesting in its own right but doesn't necessarily fit the overall story. There's probably a separate documentary about radio drama in general to be made.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

The 15-Minute Matter (Revisited)

Still tweaking the various sections, such as this one about the 15-minute episodes, the next step is to incorporate additional segments from the program.

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Expense Account Matter Matter (Revisited)

After a bit of re-editing, the segment discussing the expense account device works a bit better. You check it out on the Facebook page: It's almost ready to submit to the first festival.